Transit Columbus is a grassroots advocacy group led by our community.

We are run, first and foremost, by our members and community. While we work directly with the city, COTA, MORPC, and other organizations, it is as constituents and community leaders.


Together we are working to transform our transportation and mobility options to center people and communities, increase equity, and expand opportunity.

The Transit Columbus Board

The Transit Columbus board is made up of community members whose primary means of transportation are bus, bicycle, wheelchair, or walking. Some may have access to a car, while others do not. Our lived experiences allow us to advocate in the interests of ourselves and other community members who want our communities to prioritize people over cars.

stevie pasamonte, chair of transit columbus

Stevie Pasamonte

stevie pasamonte, chair of transit columbus

Victoria Yost

Duncan Siror
Board Member

Trevin Flickinger
Vice Chair

D’Laveance Bert-Sims
Board Member

Gillian Desormeaux
Board Member

PSSST! We’re looking for additional board members. Want to help us transform the way we get around?

stevie pasamonte, chair of transit columbus

~ Open Position ~

Transit Columbus Staff

Our team is small but mighty. :) They are instrumental in keeping Transit Columbus operating. To help us grow this section, consider making a recurring donation.

stevie pasamonte, chair of transit columbus

Brianne Miller
Community Outreach Coordinator

Transit Columbus FAQs