Ohio Needs More Funding for Public Transit
A report recently published from Policy Matters Ohio highlights the urgent need for a cleaner, more equitable transit system to reduce Ohio’s economic and environmental costs. Ohio ranks 33rd in the nation for public transit use. Chronic underfunding from the state is one of the major factors in low ridership — Ohio invests just $6 per person, far below the national average of $60.

Why Do We Keep Blaming the Victims?
This is a guest column by Brian Estabrook (he/him), the Board President of
Yay Bikes! is a local leader in bike advocacy, education, and events in Central Ohio. Please visit the Yay Bikes! website to read their 2024 Strategic Plan, become a member, learn about current advocacy efforts, and subscribe to the monthly newsletter.

COTA is Facing a Leadership Change at Critical Time for the City
COTA is facing a leadership change at a critical and opportune time. We hope COTA and city leadership will rise to the occasion.

Another Bicyclist Has Been Killed in Columbus.
On Tuesday, January 30th, another bicyclist was killed by a driver in Columbus. In this statement, we urge city leadership to take action now to stem the tide of pedestrian and cyclist injuries and deaths, and we provide a set of actions they can take in order to do so.