Meetings & Events

March Meeting
Join us for our monthly meeting this Tuesday, March 11 at 7pm - Meeting Room 1A at the Main Library on Grant. All are welcome–no prior knowledge or advocacy experience needed.
This month we’ll be joined by Steven Needham from Veo, who’ll give us an update from the city’s new micromobility vendor, and John Esterly from All Aboard Ohio to share the results of Passenger Rail Day of Advocacy at the statehouse and give us insight into what comes next.
Finally, we’ll prepare for our upcoming Council District 7 candidate panel on April 8 by learning more about how city council shapes transit and housing policy and get your input on what questions we should be asking.

Discussion on Transit & Housing with City Council District 7 Candidates
In lieu of our normal April meeting, we’ll be hosting a discussion on transit and housing with district 7 city council candidates. We plan to dig deeper into the candidates’ positions on public transportation, housing issues, and ending traffic violence in the city of Columbus. Registration is free but space is limited - you must register to save your spot.
More details coming soon!

May Meeting
Join us for our monthly meeting! Located at the Main Library, Meeting Room 1A (96 S Grant Ave). All are welcome.

June Meeting
Join us for our monthly meeting! Located at the Main Library, Meeting Room 1A (96 S Grant Ave). All are welcome.

July Meeting
Join us for our monthly meeting! Located at the Main Library, Meeting Room 1A (96 S Grant Ave). All are welcome.

August Meeting
Join us for our monthly meeting! Located at the Main Library, Meeting Room 1A (96 S Grant Ave). All are welcome.

Beers and Board Games!
Come join Beers and Board Games as they support us through a portion of bar sales. Events are at a variety of bars. If you cannot come this week, board games are happening every Wednesday and Thursday till the end of March. Check their calendar for the latest on locations.
Combustion Clintonville can be found along the Olentangy Trail for all those who are planning to bike to the event.

Beers and Board Games!
Come join Beers and Board Games as they support us through a portion of bar sales. Events are at a variety of bars. If you cannot come this week, board games are happening every Wednesday and Thursday till the end of March. Check their calendar for the latest on locations.
Nocterra Brewing- Audubon can be reached on bike via the Scioto Trail

February Meeting
Join us for our monthly meeting! Located at the Main Library, Meeting Room 2B (96 S Grant Ave). All are welcome.

January Meeting
Join us for our January meeting! This month we’ll be giving updates on LinkUs and other city initiatives, presenting our 2025 strategic plan, and introducing our new efforts around housing advocacy.
Due to high rates of illness in the area, we’re moving our January meeting online. Join us using the Zoom information below:
Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89360279150?pwd=kY3kYJCXAO2JxCNJQI3bAWigDVND7G.1
Meeting ID: 893 6027 9150
Passcode: 597341

End of Year Celebration @ Jackie O's
In lieu of our regular monthly meeting for December, we will be having a year end celebration to celebrate all your hard work that you all have put in over the last twelve months. We have a lot to be proud of and it’s important to step back and cherish your wins. Please join us for drinks, socializing, and camaraderie at Jackie O’s!

Transit Advocacy 202: Ohio Statehouse WTF
MOVE Ohio’s Shay Singh will be leading a series of transit advocacy workshops for Transit Columbus members and any member of the public who is interested in learning how to advocate for better mobility policy and infrastructure in central Ohio. These trainings are free and open to everyone, but we ask that you RSVP so that we can ensure that we know how many folks to expect.

November Meeting
Join us for our November meeting! Located at the Main Library, Meeting Room 1A (96 S Grant Ave).
All are welcome. FREE childcare and accessibility support available upon request (please email info@transitcolumbus.org).

Let's Talk Transit: A Happy Hour Discussion
Transit Columbus is hosting a series of happy hour panel discussions with city and COTA leadership to dig deeper into upcoming transit and mobility initiatives and what they mean for residents of central Ohio.
On October 22nd, we’re partnering with Columbus Young Professionals and Ella to learn more about LinkUS, BikePlus, and the future of mobility in our region.

Transit Advocacy 101: The Essentials
MOVE Ohio’s Shay Singh will be leading a series of transit advocacy workshops for Transit Columbus members and any member of the public who is interested in learning how to advocate for better mobility policy and infrastructure in central Ohio. These trainings are free and open to everyone, but we ask that you RSVP so that we can ensure that we know how many folks to expect.

Let's Talk Transit: A Happy Hour Discussion
Transit Columbus is hosting a series of happy hour panel discussions with city and COTA leadership to dig deeper into upcoming transit and mobility initiatives and what they mean for residents of central Ohio.
On October 8th, we’re partnering with Columbus Young Professionals to learn more about LinkUS, BikePlus, and the future of mobility in our region.

Transit Advocacy 201: Action!
MOVE Ohio’s Shay Singh will be leading a series of transit advocacy workshops for Transit Columbus members and any member of the public who is interested in learning how to advocate for better mobility policy and infrastructure in central Ohio. These trainings are free and open to everyone, but we ask that you RSVP so that we can ensure that we know how many folks to expect.

Let's Talk Transit: A Happy Hour Discussion
Transit Columbus is hosting a series of happy hour panel discussions with city and COTA leadership to dig deeper into upcoming transit and mobility initiatives and what they mean for residents of central Ohio.
On September 17, we’re partnering with Bikes for All People, All Aboard Ohio, and Yay Bikes! to learn more about LinkUS, BikePlus, and the future of mobility in our region.

Get Out the Vote Training
2024 is a big election year. Among other important issues on the ballot, central Ohio residents will be deciding whether or not to increase the COTA sales tax levy from 0.5% to 1% in order to fund major transit and mobility improvements like Bus Rapid Transit, more (and improved) pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, and a 45% increase in overall COTA service hours.
Transit Columbus member Matt Caffrey will lead this training, which will give volunteers the tools they need to get out the vote.

September Meeting
Join us for our September meeting! Located at the Main Library, Meeting Room 1A (96 S Grant Ave).
All are welcome. FREE childcare and accessibility support available upon request (please email info@transitcolumbus.org).

Let's Talk Transit: A Happy Hour Discussion
Transit Columbus is hosting a series of happy hour panel discussions with city and COTA leadership to dig deeper into upcoming transit and mobility initiatives and what they mean for residents of central Ohio.
On September 3, we’re partnering with NLC Columbus, Columbus Urban League Young Professionals, and Ohio Environmental Council Emerging Leaders to learn more about LinkUS, BikePlus, and the future of mobility in our region.

Transit Advocacy 101: The Essentials
MOVE Ohio’s Shay Singh will be leading a series of transit advocacy workshops for Transit Columbus members and any member of the public who is interested in learning how to advocate for better mobility policy and infrastructure in central Ohio. These trainings are free and open to everyone, but we ask that you RSVP so that we can ensure that we know how many folks to expect.

August Meeting
Join us for our August meeting! This month we are partnering with Yay Bikes! to welcome guest Christina Whitehouse, founder of Bike Lane Uprising, who will tell us the story of her unexpected advocacy journey.
Then, planners from Columbus Department of Public Service will present the new draft vision map for the BikePlus plan.
This meeting is located at the Main Library, Meeting Room 1A (96 S Grant Ave). All are welcome. FREE childcare and accessibility support available upon request (please email info@transitcolumbus.org at least 24 hours in advance).

July Meeting
Join us for our July meeting! Located at the Main Library, Meeting Room 1A (96 S Grant Ave).
All are welcome. FREE childcare and accessibility support available upon request (please email info@transitcolumbus.org).

June Meeting
Join us for our June meeting! Located at the Main Library Auditorium (96 S Grant Ave).
All are welcome. FREE childcare and accessibility support available upon request (please email info@transitcolumbus.org).

April Meeting
Join us for our April meeting! Located at the Main Library Auditorium
All are welcome. KN95 masks available. FREE childcare and accessibility support available upon request (please email info@transitcolumbus.org).

March Meeting
Join us for our March meeting!
All are welcome. KN95 masks available. FREE childcare and accessibility support available upon request (please email info@transitcolumbus.org).

February Meeting
We have a packed agenda this month: we’ll review our 2024 Plan, which includes input from our January kickoff, discuss the outcomes of our action at City Council on Monday, take a look at MORPC’s new complete streets policy, and go over any actions we can take now.

2024 Kickoff Event
Join us on Sunday, January 28 for our annual kickoff meeting. Add to our strategic plan, hear from local operators and advocates, and then join us for a social hour where you can connect with community members.
All are welcome. KN95 masks available. FREE childcare and accessibility support available upon request (please email info@transitcolumbus.org).
After the Kickoff event, we will be walking over to Bernard’s Tavern for social hour (4:30-6:30) for a chance to connect with one another and talk transit.

December Meeting
In December, the LinkUs team presented an overview of the LinkUs project and its benefits. We also received an update on the new Amtrak developments in Ohio. You can find the meeting notes here.
All are welcome. KN95 masks available. FREE childcare and accessibility support available upon request (please email info@transitcolumbus.org).

October Meeting
Join us for our October meeting!
Check back for official agenda.
All are welcome. KN95 masks available. FREE childcare and accessibility support available upon request (please email info@transitcolumbus.org).

September Meeting
Join us for our September meeting!
7:00pm - Welcome and Intros
7:10pm - New Columbus Bike Plan w/ special guest from the Department of Public Service
7:30pm - COTA Updates
8:00pm - Community Updates + Q&A
All are welcome. KN95 masks available. FREE childcare and accessibility support available upon request (please email info@transitcolumbus.org).