Want to help us fight for better transit?
Show up!
Change can only happen if we work together. Showing up looks different for everyone - but every piece counts. We mean it. Here are some ways to show up:
Come to a Transit Columbus meeting. We meet every 2nd Tuesday at 7pm at the Main Library downtown.
Attend an event or training to connect, learn how to advocate, or brush up on current issues.
Answer a call to action. Sometimes we need to get loud. Whether it’s attending a city council meeting or contacting a local official, we periodically send out important asks of our membership that help move the needle.
Partner with us
Transit affects everything. If you’re involved with other advocacy organizations, consider partnering with us to strengthen each cause.
Stay Connected
Subscribe to our Mailing List. For meeting updates, information on upcoming events, and urgent calls to action.
Join the Transit Columbus Slack. If you want to be more involved in the conversation, have a place to ask questions and share information, or just connect with other advocates, join us on Slack!
Transit Columbus is a 501c3 Non-profit organization. Because we are a grassroots group, most of our funding comes from individual donations.