Community Outreach & Volunteer Coordinator

To apply, send us your resume to and tell us why you are interested in working with Transit Columbus.

Role Description

Transit Columbus is looking for a Community Outreach & Volunteer Coordinator whose primary responsibility is to engage with Transit Columbus members, organizational partners, and the larger community. 

The ideal candidate will have a strong drive toward making updates and information accessible, both in substance and delivery. The coordinator must have a strong sense of what it means to create equity, build and organize around community, and collaborate with stakeholders that have lived experience utilizing public transit and other alternative mobility methods such as walking, bicycling, using mobility devices, and scootering. 

The coordinator will collaborate directly with the Board of Directors.

Compensation, Time, & Benefits

This is a part time role. The coordinator will receive monetary compensation of $20 per hour of work for 20 hours of work per week. Working hours are flexible and will be coordinated with the Board of Directors.

Part time employee benefits include:

  • Monthly COTA pass

  • Annual COGO membership

  • Healthcare assistance and support:

    • Co-pay reimbursement up to $20 per regular visit

    • Co-pay reimbursement up to $100 per month for mental health services

    • Prescription reimbursement up to $20 per month

    • Reimbursement up to $500 for urgent care and emergency medical services

This role is funded through September 2024, with the option of renewing should fundraising goals be met. At any time, the coordinator and/or the board can open a discussion regarding the termination of the role for reasons that include, but are not limited to: mutual decision to end the role, inability to dedicate sufficient time to the role’s responsibilities, performance that does not meet the role’s responsibilities.

Should either party choose to terminate the employee/employer relationship, a notice of two weeks will be provided to the other party. This final period will be used to wrap up existing projects and transition remaining tasks to the board or other employee, if applicable.


  • Volunteer Coordination

    • Recruit, communicate with, and manage volunteers for events and partner initiatives. This may involve communication through Slack, email, text, phone, and tabling at events.

    • Coordinate volunteers on-the-ground at events such as Open Streets. This will require in-person attendance.

    • Provide volunteers and partner organizations with educational information around important city and regional initiatives as well as Transit Columbus campaigns

  • Digital Outreach

    • Implement and maintain a calendar of events that includes Transit Columbus meetings as well as relevant community events and meetings.

    • Collaborate with the board to develop educational social media content

    • Schedule and/or post at least 3 social media communications weekly, at least one of which should be educational content

    • Collate monthly updates and meeting notes and post to website blog, social media, and newsletter

    • Update website as needed, including: events calendar, volunteer information, organization and partnership pages, etc.

  • Partnerships

    • Collaborate with the board on communications with the City of Columbus. Track projects and action items for city partnerships, including: Open Streets events, LinkUs happy hours, Dignity in Transit campaign, and others.

To apply, send us your resume to and tell us why you are interested in working with Transit Columbus.